Annual general meeting MIDAQ AB (publ) on 11 May 2023.

Annual general meeting MIDAQ AB (publ) on 11 May 2023.

Notice and agenda for the annual general meeting of MIDAQ AB (Publ), org number 559119-2363


Time: May 11, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m
Location: Östra Storgatan 20, Jönköping

Notification of participation no later than 2023-04-26 via:

Dagordning Årsstämma 2023 Midaq AB (Publ)

  1. The meeting opens at 1:30 p.m

  2. Election of chairman and secretary for the annual general meeting
    The selection committee's proposal:
    Chairman Gunilla Rittgård
    Secretary Michaela Andersson

  3. Establishment and approval of voter register

  4. Selection of minutes adjuster as well as vote counter in case of voting

  5. Examination of whether the meeting has been duly convened

  6. Approval of Agenda

  7. Information from the board and CEO

  8. Presentation of the 2022 annual report and audit report for the parent company and the group

    Decision points in connection with this:
    a) Decision on determining the balance sheet and income statement for the parent company and the group
    b) Decision on dispositions regarding the parent company's results according to the established balance sheet and record date for the decided dividend
    c) Decision on discharge of liability for board members and CEO

    The annual report can be requested from MIDAQ AB at

  9. Determination of board and audit fees
    The selection committee's proposal:
    Board fees:
    Fees are paid for the chairman of the board with 2 price base amounts per year.
    For board members who are also shareholders, no remuneration is paid.
    Audit fee is paid according to approved invoice.

  10. Determining the number of members on the board
    The selection committee's proposal:
    that the number of board members should be seven

  11. Election of board members and election of the chairman of the board
    Current board chairman Gunilla Rittgård and board member Claes Winterfeldt have announced that they are not available for re-election.

    The nomination committee's proposal to the board:

    a) Chairman of the board: Lars-Åke Bylander, newly elected
    b) Board members:
    Hans-Göran Frick - re-election
    Michaela Andersson - re-election
    Stefan Engdahl - newly elected
    Håkan Sundberg - new election
    Kent Tjäderborn - new election
    Hans Fredén - new election

  12. Selection of auditor
    The nomination committee's proposal for an auditor:
    Baker Tilly Guide AB with Stefan Freij as chief auditor

  13. Other questions

  14. Closing of the annual general meeting 15.00


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